Royal Borough of Greenwich are looking for people with lived experience (who use care
services or are carers) to share their experiences at our upcoming
They want to make sure people are in control of their support. One
way to do this is through self-directed support, where you choose how
funding is spent on your care.
Direct Payments
Money is paid directly to you
and you control how this is
spent on your care.
Individual Service Funds
Money is paid directly to a
service provider and you decide
how this is spent on your care.
Self-directed support options include:
Their next workshop will be held on Zoom in August. Details about future
workshops can be found on our website. Join us online on either Tuesday 1
August 4pm to 7.30pm or Wednesday 2 August 1pm to 4.30pm
Find out more and register your interest at
Email or call
0759 238 6469 for more information. RBG value your contributions and
will be offering Love2shop vouchers to workshop attendees
Self-directed support workshops
Posted in News.