Unity Works are recruiting for our new cohort for their Apprentice programme 2022-23

Apprentice programme 2022-23
This year they will be offering:
·         Catering Apprentices– Front of House and Back of House
·         Warehousing/Administration Apprentice
Please find attached adverts, job descriptions and person specifications and the application form. Please return completed applications to Andrew.parkinson@unityworks.org.uk
They will be happy to have a chat with anyone who has questions about the apprentice scheme or the application process and we are holding an information day:
  • Online – Friday 24th June 2 pm– 3 pm
  • In-person Tuesday 28th June 10 am-11 am or 11 am– 12 pm at the Greenwood centre NW5 1LB
to book the information day please contact Tansy.grant@unityworks.org.uk
The closing date is Friday 1st July
They look forward to receiving your application.


Posted in News.

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