We have been speaking with many of you over the past few weeks in our Parent/Carer Support Group on Thursdays at 10am
(Zoom ID: 884 9247 9506).
Some of the feedback has been in regards to resources for you and your child as we go into the next stage of transition. Some of your children may already be back in school but in decreased class sizes whereas some of you have your children at home and are wondering how this transition may take place.
– Will your child have a difficult time with the differences in the classroom?
– Does your child take rules literally in every sense? Will this impact how the child touches objects or interacts with their classmates?
– What might school look like?
We don’t know the answers, as time will tell how schools reopen and restructure but we have found some resources for you and your family during this time.
*Please note, we can not take credit for these resources; we have read through or taken part in and found them helpful*
- Going back to School – Social Story
Parent Resource to Print/view on device
A practical and fairly vague social story to read with your children on what school might look like when they go back.
Best to start reading in the lead up so that a countdown can also be started. - Going back to school – editable
This social story allows you to edit and alter for your child’s name and needs - Social Distancing Story
“While We Can’t Hug”
A great video story about Hedgehog and Tortoise who are best friends and miss each other very much.
Book is also available on Amazon - Free Parent Course & Downloadable Resources
Preparing Autistic & SEND Children for going back to school
Videos and downloadable resources from a parent of a child with additional needs. - I’m Bored – Podcast
Stories Podcast
A story about a boy who is VERY bored at home.. nothing seems fun at all. Great wind down story to listen with your child and discuss.
*Not an apple user? Download “Podcast Republic” in your app store and search “ Stories Podcast- I’m Bored”*
We are always looking for more resources or things you have done that you have found helpful- please share with us!
Claire: greenlights@greenwichmencap.org.uk
Dela: greenlights1@greenwichmencap.org.uk