Dear potential research participants,
We would like to hear your views!
We are looking for:
- People who have a physical or mental impairment which leads to a limitation in undertaking independent mouth care,
- Carers of people with a physical or mental impairment lead to a limitation in independent mouth care.
We want to explore your views on the independence of people who have a physical or mental impairment regarding their mouth care.
We are looking for people to watch and listen to a video or read a scenario and take part in our short (10-15mins) questionnaire.
If you’d like to participate, please find the participant information forms attached for more information.
By participating in the survey, you can enter into a prize draw to win 1x £100 amazon online voucher.
Below are links to the survey, including the video with audio and text:
- For people with an impairment which leads to a limitation in undertaking independent mouth care, please access the survey using this link:
- For people with caring/supportive roles, who are completing the survey on their own behalf, please access the survey using this link:
information sheet for people with functional impairment questionnaire gdpr-compliant Information sheet for carers questionnaire gdpr-compliant